Your listing on can contain links to your social media content. Please use this tab to provide the links you would like to appear. You can update these at any time.
Twitter Handle
Your Twitter handle is the name of your Twitter account as it appears after the @ sign. To include this with your show listing, it must be entered in this format:
@[Twitter Handle]
YouTube video link or Vimeo video link
Your YouTube URL must be entered in one of these formats:[Video Tag][Video Tag][Video Tag][Video Tag][Video Tag][Video Tag]
Your Vimeo URL must be entered in this format:
The provided link must be to a specific video, rather than a channel or playlist. This box is intended for short-form trailers - we would not advise providing links to full recorded shows.
Your Instagram URL must be entered in this format:[Page]/
Facebook Page
Your Facebook URL must be entered in this format:[Page]
We are currently working on integrating Spotify playlists and albums into web listings, but this field is not yet completely functional. You are welcome to add information here, but please do get in touch with us if you have any issues.
You can link to a Spotify playlist, album or artist related to your show/company or that you'd just like to attach to your listing.
When adding the link here, please use one of the following formats:
SoundCloud Link (maximum of five)
Your SoundCloud URL must be entered in this format:[page]/[sound]
Published Review (maximum of three)
Please provide a web link for a published review of a previous performance of this show, or another show by your company.
Please enter a working URL to a published review for this show or previous work from your company. Please note: this field is not for quotes, but functional URLs that link to a published review online.