Before you begin

Some tips to consider before you begin using EdFringeware:


Gather your info

Registering a show or venue requires quite detailed information, so gather together any documents or information that you think you might need before you start. For more information about registering a show, please see The Fringe Guide to Registering a Show.

Please note that you will need to have an agreement with a venue to host your show or event before you can register it on EdFringeware. For more information about finding a venue, please visit this page on our website.

Check with your venue in case they have an alternative route to register - in which case you may not need to use EdFringeware. It's also worth checking if any age restrictions apply.

It is mandatory that you submit complete show information for your registration at the point of submitting and paying. This includes (at a minimum): show title, dates and full copy for both the online and printed listing. Your copy should reflect how you would like the show to be presented in the programme and on Whilst small tweaks may be allowed during the proofing and editing process, submitting a show that does not have these mandatory fields completed adequately may lead to your show being cancelled in edfringeware and the registration fee refunded.


Payout of ticket sales money

You may be asked to name the recipient and method of payout for the revenue of any tickets that you sell through the Fringe Box Office at this year's festival. If necessary, check any pre-existing agreements with venues or other third parties before designating who will receive this payout and have these payment details to hand when using EdFringeware. For more information about payout please go to the Payout and Fringe allocation page.


Paying for a show registration

In order to complete the show registration process, payment of the registration cost must be made through EdFringeware to the Fringe Society. For this, we use WorldPay. WorldPay is a secure payment processing website that is independent of the Fringe Society. As it is completely seperate, we are unfortunately unable to assist if the WorldPay site experiences technical problems - however you can contact WorldPay directly if you encounter any issues. We accept all major credit cards except American Express.


Navigating EdFringeware

EdFringeware is generally navigated via a horizontal row of 'tabs' towards the top of the screen. Whenever you move from one page to another be sure to click the green Save this Tab button at the top of the screen before you move on, or any information that you add or change will be lost.

Any question which has a red asterisk next to it is a mandatory question and registration of your show or venue can't be completed until all these questions have been answered.

At the top of each tab is a green box with a white flag and number. This number indicates how many mandatory fields are left to complete. Once all the green boxes are cleared, you'll be able to register your show!


Timing Out of the System

For security and performance reasons, EdFringeware will automatically log you out of the site after 30 minutes of inactivity. So be extra careful to save each tab before moving to the next one, or if you plan to leave your computer.