Show information

Please note that wherever you see a yellow box saying 'Appears in Public Listings' to the right of an answer field this means that the information within this field will be printed in the Fringe Programme and included both on and on the Fringe App.

Show Name Box

Show Details

Show name (as it will appear in the programme)

If you need to edit the show name before registering you can do so here. After registration any show name changes need to be emailed to

Remember that you will only have 40 words available for the description of the show that will go in the Fringe Programme (called 'programme copy'), and 100 words on (called 'web copy') These word limits include your show name.

Performer or performing company name

The Performer or Performing Company Name field is one of the key fields for identifying your show. It appears in both your printed programme copy and in the programme index, as well as being searchable online on

Please only enter the Performer or Performing Company name here (i.e. Please don't put any descriptions such as 'for one night only' or 'back by popular demand').

Show website

This show website address (URL) will automatically be added to your online listing on so you don't need to add it to the Web Copy field further down the page.

However, please note that this URL will not automatically be included in your printed Fringe Programme listing. If you do want it to be included in the programme then you need to also add this URL to the text that you enter into the Programme Copy field (which has a 40 word limit, minus show title) further down the page, under the Show Listings heading.

Author of your show/production

Please let us know who authored your show/production.



Which section of the Programme do you want to be listed in?

Please choose the category under which your show fits best. You will be listed in this section of the printed Fringe Programme and the online listings on tickets.edfringe.comPlease note that the genre you select here may affect your eligibility for some awards.  Choose one of:

  • Cabaret and Variety
  • Children's Shows
  • Comedy
  • Dance, Physical Theatre and Circus
  • Events
  • Exhibitions
  • Music
  • Musicals and Opera
  • Spoken Word
  • Theatre

The choice of where to put your show within the programme should be based on its primary form (in order to make it clear for potential audiences). A musical by Rodgers and Hammerstein, for instance, may include elements of Theatre, Comedy, Dance or Music, but based on its dramatic form it should be placed under the main genre of Musicals and Opera.

For which age range is this show suited?

If you select Children's Shows then you will be asked to specify which age range the show is suited for, from 0 up to 14 or older.



You may choose up to two subgenres from the lists provided.

In order to be a bit more specific about your show and to provide extra details to your potential audience about the type of show it is, you have the option to choose up to two subgenres. These will appear in the printed Fringe Programme and will be searchable on

You can pick any combination that you think will help the audience to understand your show better but please don't repeat the same genre as you have previously chosen under the Genre heading.


Show Listings

This is where you will describe your show to your potential audience.

Your printed programme copy and web copy will be edited to conform with our style guide and for grammar. Please make sure you read the Style Guide help page before you submit your programme and web copy.

If there is anything vital to your branding within your copy you would prefer us not to edit, please Contact Us and let us know. If your request doesn't contravene the style guide, we will try to leave it as you have asked.

Some points to note about your programme copy:


  • Quotations: Please use single inverted commas (' ') around any quotations that you use, not double quotation marks (" ")


  • Show titles: If you refer to a show title within your copy it should use significant capitals and no inverted commas or quotation marks (e.g. Romeo and Juliet not 'romeo and juliet')


  • Star ratings: If you want to include star ratings, for programme copy, represent these stars in HTML form of [s]*[/s] without spaces. Eg [s]*[/s][s]*[/s][s]*[/s][s]*[/s]. In website copy simply include asterisks (*) without spaces. Eg ****.
  • Even if you entered a website address (URL) in the Show Website field on this page, you will need to include an URL again in this Programme Copy field if you want it to be included in the printed Fringe Programme as well as online at

    URLs within the programme copy will be limited to two levels of hierarchy below the domain or home page e.g. We will not accept URLs that are based on search results e.g www.mydomain/page10.php?ec=f&id_show=52016 as when printed they are very difficult for the reading audience.


Programme Copy

This is the text that will go into the printed Fringe Programme and you have a 40 word maximum, which includes the number of words in the show title. Your show title will automatically be deducted from your character allowance in this field.


Web Copy

This is the text that will be included in the online listing on and you have a maximum of 100 words, which includes the number of words in your show title. Your show title will automatically be deducted from your word allowance in this field.

Please do not include any HTML in this text.

If you think that your word count is being incorrectly totalled, then check the following:

  • Have you remembered that your show title wording is included in both your programme and web copy limit?
  • Have you included line breaks in your copy? This can incorrectly give you additional words. 
  • Make sure you have read the style guide help page and have understood that there are some unusual word counts for some words, eg, any complete words joined by a hyphen are counted as one word, as are certain abbreviations such as e.g. and i.e.

If you have read the style guide and still believe that your word count is being incorrectly calculated, please Contact Us and let us know.

Select the appropriate age range for your audience from the list

Please note that many Fringe venues are licensed pubs, club and bars which do not allow children at certain times, whether your show is appropriate for this age range or not.

Please check with your venue whether any age restrictions apply before you fill out this part of the form.

If you have multiple times for your show and some are at times when children are allowed entry and some not, please Contact Us

If you select 12, 14, 16 or 18 above then you will be asked:

Is the age range you have chosen a guideline or a restriction?

A guideline suggests that the show content is suitable for the age you selected but younger children can attend if they wish. A restriction states that children younger than the age you selected will not be allowed into the show.

Is your show premiering at this year's Fringe?

To qualify as a premiere, your show must meet certain criteria.

• Your production of this show must be its first ever production, anywhere in the world.

• The show cannot have had more than six preview performances, anywhere in the world prior to its Fringe debut.

• It must constitute a substantially new work i.e. not an adaptation or simple reworking of material already in existence

Are you using music during your show?

If you select Yes as the answer to this question then you will be asked if any of the music that you are using is recorded.

If you are using any music in your show then you may need to arrange licences and pay a licence fee. The fee is to make sure that the people involved in creating the music you are using receive a fair payment for the use of their work.

If you are using music in your show it is important that you read the Music Licensing page on so you are aware of the different types of licences and the procedures.

Does your show contain music for which you will require a PRS license? 

More information on when a PRS license is required can be found on our website  here.

Is any of this music recorded?

Using recorded music can require a separate license. If you are playing music from mp3, vinyls, CDs or any other recorded source (analogue or digital), please select 'Yes' so we can send you the right information to cover the relevant music licensing information.

Do you have the rights to perform this show?

If you are performing or adapting a work that is under copyright (which is usually for the length of the author's life plus 70 years, although there are numerous exceptions to the rule) then you must get permission in writing from the author or their literary agent or publisher.

It's your responsibility to find out your obligations under the law and, if necessary, to pay the appropriate copyright fees.


Would you like to opt out of receiving audience reviews on

Within your online show listing on, there is the option to allow people who have attended or bought tickets for your show to submit a review, which can be viewed under the Reviews tab at the bottom of your online listing. 

If you would prefer that audience members cannot submit a review for your show, then please select Yes as you will be opting out of this function. You are able to change this at a later date if you want to.

Is there anything the audience should be made aware of in terms of accessibility or potentially sensitive content such as traumatic scenes/language, strobe lighting, nudity, etc?

Consider the content of your show and the information that an audience would need to know about your show at the time of purchase. Select all options that apply. If the content of your show is not covered, select 'More Information' and give more details in the text box provided.

If you select Yes, you'll be asked to supply more details about this and the information you give will be displayed on

If your show features a mixed bill are you interested in listing the slots within your show as performing opportunities for other Fringe performers?

If you select 'Yes' to listing this opportunity on our website, then the Registration Team will get in touch so that other performers can find out more details and get in touch with you, should they be interested. You can opt out of this at any time.