Create or edit an organisation
- Organisation Details
Create organisation
An organisation refers to the company, group or person with
overall responsibility for producing the event. An organisation can
take any form, including a corporation, private company,
performance group or ind...
- Dashboard
The Dashboard is where you'll see any notifications that
relate to your Organisation - whether you're creating one show,
multiple shows, or managing a venue.
From here, it's easy to see and differentiate which shows
are ...
- Payout Details
Payout Details
This page is where you store your bank details so that we can
transfer the money that is due to you from ticket sales through the
Fringe Box Office.
Filling in these bank details is not mandatory if you aren't
charging for your F...
- Shows
If creating a show, select the 'Shows' tab and click the 'Create
a Show'. Step by step instructions for developing and registering
your show can be found through 'Create or Edit a Show'.
- Venues
If creating a venue, select the 'Venues' tab and click the
'Create a Venue' button. Information on how to have your
venues and spaces registered and advertised can be found through
'Create or Edit a
Please note, you should ...
- People
Show or venue management is often a collaborative effort so you
might want to give other people permission to read or edit the
information that you store on EdFringeware.
You automatically have full editing rights over any