Register with EdFringeware 


To start using EdFringeware the first thing you need to do is to register yourself as a user, so if you haven't already then please go to the EdFringeware site and select Click here to register.

Please note that if you registered with EdFringeware in the past, then that login will still be active.


Basic Details and Contact Details

Please fill in the Basic Details and Contact Details sections of this form. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

You also have the option to add a profile image. This image will only be used to represent your user account on EdFringeware and will not be used for any official purposes (such as in the programme). So feel free to use whichever image you like!

The image that you are going to use needs to first be saved somewhere on your computer, then click the Select button on the form and navigate to where you have saved the image before attaching it to your EdFringeware account.


Additional question

  • Please tick this box if you wish to opt out of appearing in Edfringeware contact searches. You can change this anytime in your edit profile page.

    In EdFringeware there is the option to search for and add other EdFringeware users as additional administrators for an organisation, venue or show, allowing them to view and edit the areas that they are given access to.

    If you would like to allow other users to search for you through EdFringeware then leave this box unticked. You can change this through the 'Edit Profile' page at any time once you are logged in.

    More information is available in the Invite another user section of EdFringeware Help.


Choose a Password

Please enter a password of your choice (it must be at least 8 characters long, and we suggest it not be based on personal information and contains a mixture of characters, upper and lower case, numbers and punctuation). You can also change your password at a later date if you want to.